Julie Dalton, Instructor
This is a technology literacy course designed to give secondary students an opportunity to explore a variety of different areas of technology. Students using both written and hands-on activities can explore: Electrical Systems, Multimedia, CADD, Lasers, Mechanical, Quality Control, Desktop Publishing, Networking, Imaging Technology, Computer Aided Drafting, Computer Assembly, Fluids, Thermal, Computer Programming, Robotics, Networking, and other areas of technology.
In order for students to be successful in the Construction program, the following student prerequisites are in place:
1. CTC approved application
2. B or higher in Algebra
1. TABE Math Computation and TABE Math Applied Score (eighth grade or higher) AND CTC approved application
If a student completes the 2-course sequence – (Engineering I and II) – Two of the four credits earned may be used as Science credits toward graduation)
Course Description: Engineering I
Engineering I teaches students the history of engineering and the careers associated with the field. The students will also learn the foundations and fundamentals of engineering and materials, as well as the engineering design process and the steps one follows for successful design planning. Additionally, students are introduced to the advanced concepts of 3-D sketching and modeling with CAD software. The course introduces students to the field of robotics in engineering. It also focuses on several fields of engineering specialization.
Course Description: Engineering II
Engineering II is a comprehensive course that focuses on the following four systems: electrical, fluid, mechanical, and thermal. It also introduces students to flexible manufacturing systems, or how robotics and drafting work together to create products. Additionally, the course teaches students advanced robotic concepts. Students will also learn valuable workforce readiness skills and prepare for jobs in the field of engineering.